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blog (turkish)
Arıcan, B.N., Kuzgun, A., Marsan, B., Aslan, D.B., Sanıyar, E., Cesur, N., Kara, N., Kuyrukçu, O., Ozçelik, M., Yenice, A.B. and Dogan, M., 2022, June.
Morpholex Turkish: A Morphological Lexicon for Turkish.
LREC 2022 Workshop
Language Resources and Evaluation Conference 20-25 June 2022 (p. 68).
Yildiz, O. T., B. Avar, G. Ercan, 2019, September.
An Open, Extendible, and Fast Turkish Morphological Analyzer
Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (
RANLP 2019
G. Ercan, Yildiz, O. T., 2018, August.
AnlamVer: Semantic Model Evaluation Dataset for Turkish - Word Similarity and Relatedness
The 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (
Best resource paper
Uludogan, G., Özçelik, R., Parlar, S., Ercan, G. and Yıldız, O.T.,
Türkçe Doğal Dil İşleme İçin Arayüzler.
Signal Processing and Communication Applications Conference, 2019, April
G. Ercan, O. Erkek, O. Açıkgöz, R. Özçelik, S. Parlar, O.T. Yıldız.
Türkçe Anlamsal Söylem ve Cümle Benzerliği Analizleri için Veri Kümesi Oluşturma Yöntemi.
In Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK), 2018 International Conference.
Yildiz, O. T., K. Ak, G. Ercan, O. Topsakal, C. Asmazoglu., 2018, April.
A Multilayer Annotated Corpus for Turkish.
International Conference on Natural Language and Speech Processing (ICNLSP).
Ertopçu, B., Kanburoğlu, A.B., Topsakal, O., Açıkgöz, O., Gürkan, A.T., Özenç, B., Çam, İ., Avar, B., Ercan, G. and Yıldız, O.T., 2017, October.
A new approach for named entity recognition.
In Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK), 2017 International Conference on (pp. 474-479). IEEE.
Açıkgöz, O., Gürkan, A.T., Ertopçu, B., Topsakal, O., Özenç, B., Kanburoğlu, A.B., Çam, İ., Avar, B., Ercan, G. and Yıldız, O.T., 2017, October.
All-words word sense disambiguation for Turkish.
In Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK), 2017 International Conference on (pp. 490-495). IEEE.
Topsakal, O., Açıkgöz, O., Gürkan, A.T., Kanburoğlu, A.B., Ertopçu, B., Özenç, B., Çam, İ., Avar, B., Ercan, G. and Yıldız, O.T., 2017, October.
Shallow parsing in Turkish.
In Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK), 2017 International Conference on (pp. 480-485). IEEE.
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32th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference
28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference
Artificial Intelligence Review - An International Science and Engineering Journal
27th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference
Tweets by @gokhanercan
Gokhan Ercan, 2025